Authors on Etty Hillesum

All Authors Alle Auteurs

Since in 1981 in Amsterdam Etty Hillesum’s diaries were published, her readership grew constantly. The English translations of the Diary and Letters created a first step towards a worldwide audience. Translations in nearly twenty languages arrived in the years that followed. Some of these readers became also writers on Etty Hillesum and her work. They are artists, musicians, novelists, researchers, students, teachers, testimonies, translators and others. In this section called “Authors on Etty Hillesum” we provide the bio-bibliographical information we were able to collect round the world. Please write for updates or additional information. The highlighted letters are linked to the Author pages


N – O – PQRS – T – U – V – WYZ

In this first stage the pages offered contain all names we know of. Some are linked to the singular Author pages already written. The other pages / names are waiting to be created. Often with the help and authorization of the writer him or herself.


Notes to Authors on Etty Hillesum

  • See here for the first part of the General Etty Hillesum Bibliography of all the editions of her works and the translations. And click here for the second part which contains studies dedicated to her.


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